Open Road Anxiety

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The stress and anxiety of the city begin to fade away as soon as I’m out of town. The fast tempo of the open road should cause serious terror, but the sweet rumble of the engine soothes me into the false sensation of safety. Rough vibrations of the twin engine travel across the foot pegs and seep into my toes, jolting through the bends of my legs before settling in my lower back. A twist of a wrist shakes my arms, passing through my bent elbows to reside in my shoulders. The untimely cool summer air of Chouf slips through the cuffs, and plays inside my zipped jacket. Cruising through the narrow hills, I snap up my mirror blue face shield, wind gushing on my face, grazing my temples, whistles past my ears, and exits near my neck. The black pavement slides underneath me, so close, at points, only inches away. Hard and rough, as my brains perceives it, but in my eyes, it glistens and glides. Temptations to reach out and rub the leather of my gloves, and …show more content…

I remember I told them something like, “I’d rather sweat than bleed, and plus leathers are like health insurance, you never know when you might need it, and you only need it when you don’t have it”. The idea of making connections with the road that can abrade layers of skin, severely, is undesirable in all cases, but more so without the wearable insurance policy. Back then, they just laughed at the thought in disagreement. Through the crowd, I was looking for them, to point it out, to show them what I was talking about. To my surprise, they came by to check up on me, and the first words they utter are something along the lines of, “damn, what an insurance policy, had you been wearing these textiles (pointing to their attire) you probably would have had a joy ride in the backside of an ambulance wearing a torn out suit.” As funny as that might sound within context, but it really was not at all. But I

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