One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Playground

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I wake up and the smell of the new carpet hits me as I walk towards the bathroom. The cold, white tiles glare up at me and tickle my toes, making me giggle with glee. The same routine is repeated once again as I mentally sing a rhyme. Brush my teeth, floss and pee, into my room and mom will dress me. I race downstairs, feeling the cool air rush past my body and the sound of my footsteps seconds behind me. The weekend greets me with dinosaurs walking on the plate, savagely killed by the white forceps that are my teeth. I hungrily munch down the rest of the dinosaur species and race outside into the bright light with my mom in tow. The park is less than a minute away, but that time seems like hours because of the anticipation for the swings and …show more content…

The sun rises and falls as I do the same for hours upon hours on the playset. As I walk home, my mind spirals into a cluster of thoughts, wants, and needs. Naturally, the first thing that pops into my mind is school. Who will I make friends with? Are the other kids mean or nice? What does the playground look like? Anticipation, fear, and nervousness all blend into a mixture that swishes around in my heart and mind. Another thought quickly pops into my mind, classes. My favorite classes are math and nap time. I like numbers and math and they like me too. But I like sleeping even more than math. English is boring, but I really like reading books. Mr. Popper’s Penguins was a fun book, but it was really long. I want to be a doctor so I can help people get better. I liked helping people back in Manteca, especially my friends. But I am not living in Manteca anymore, it is time to look forward and think about how I can get new friends. I reach home just as the sun is getting low and the shadows long. I am afraid of the dark; anything from monsters to mean kids could be hiding the dark, waiting and plotting to hurt me and make me alone

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