On Truth Vs Religion

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1 - We live in a post-truth world; real truth has become unimportant or irrelevant. Social media has become the trusted news source. We live in a digital age where there is so much information around us, so many differing views of what is true. It is hard for some to determine truth, often confused rather than informed.
2 – Truth does exist, it does matter, and it can be recognized. It won’t come to us all at once… line upon line, precept upon precept. BYU Provo’s mission statement, “the gospel encourages the pursuit of all truth.”
3 – D&C 93, the Lord declared, “truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come.” Truth is not dependent on popular opinion or based on the opinion of experts. Brigham Young …show more content…

D&C 88:118, we must “seek learning by study and also by faith.” As BYU-I student, we will develop the skills to discern and find truth in the subjects we study.
5 – Alma has said, “Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things but instead is a hope for things which are not seen which are true.” Faith is a God-given way of discerning truth before we have perfect knowledge of the matter. Dallin H. Oaks observed, “Revelation occurs when a scientist, inventor, artist, or great leader receives flashes of enlightenment from a loving God for the benefit of His children.” Faith is a lesser known means of discerning truth and in the long a more reliable method.
6 – Spencer W. Kimball said, “Perspiration must precede inspiration; there must be effort before there is excellence.” We must study and pray and follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost. Often it’s not easy and we may not master the process during our lifetime here on earth. Challenges will come and we will have …show more content…

A statement may be accurately reported but still be untrue because it has been taken out of context. c) Be patient with yourself and the process. Understand and remember that one purpose of our mortal life is to learn to operate by faith, to discern truth without perfect knowledge. d) If you want to understand truth, draw closer to Him who is the source of all truth and light.
8 – In conclusion, Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith once observed, “The greatest truth [is]… that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, who came into this world to die that men might live… It is far more important to know that… than it is to know all that can be obtained in secular education.” If we focus on Him during our pursuit of truth, we will be blessed in our endeavors in all things, in all places, at all times.
Sources Cited
1. Oxford Dictionary, “Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016 Is … Post-Truth,” Press and News, 16 November 2016, oxforddictionaries.com/press/news/2016/12/11/WOTY-16.
2. Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1997),

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