On The Minority Report Summary

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For the love of reading notes and comments on books for readers and teachers

Jan 23, 2010
On The Minority Report by P.K. Dick
This survey covers the book more than the movie. Before discussing the story, let’s review the major and minor characters:

John Anderton, founder of Precrime. He is the police commissioner. He is paranoid about losing his job to the new assistant, Ed Witwer. He is proud of his achievements with Precrime, believes it has truly helped society by reducing felonies. After the car crash scene, he goes into hiding under the assumed identity of “Ernest Temple.”

Lisa Anderton, wife of John Anderton. Lisa is an executive in Precrime and met John when she was a secretary. John is paranoid about her as well; he thinks she and Witwer are conspiring against him. Tod Fleming also implicates her as being behind the frame job of Anderton, but this is false. She actually stands by her man and attempts to help him flee the police building.

Ed …show more content…

Anderton is packing to escape. He his abducted in his own home and transported to Kaplan’s house. A conversation between them ensues. Kaplan orders his men to take him back to the police.

IV. On the way back, Anderton discusses the possibility that Precrime may be imprisoning innocent people. Then their car crashes. He is dragged away by a man named Fleming.

V. Fleming provides him with a new identity (Ernest Temple) and Anderton escapes to the seedy side of New York City. He hides out in a hotel, listens to radio reports of his escape and the news that a minority report exists. He needs to read it. Perhaps it will exonerate him.

VI. Anderton phones Wally Page and asks to be allowed entrance to the monkey block. Page points out to him the Precog who produced the Minority Report: Jerry. Jerry’s vision took the majority report conclusion (that he would kill Kaplan) as datum and produced a conflicting, time-phased report where he doesn’t commit the murder. Lisa enters and offers to help him

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