On The Divide Analysis

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“On the Divide,” tells the story of a young girl, Lena, who is forced into marrying a man who the entire Divide is terrified of. Canute is a man of extra large stature, he keeps to himself and nobody seems to know much about him other than that he drinks a lot. Lena has always had plans of marrying Canute, but rather in her own time. The two live in the Midwest, which Cather describes the entire time as a place that is constantly dreary, the weather and life here seems to become a part of the people, “Men fear the winters of the Divide”(2) the Divide is not a pleasant place to live. The entire Divide seems to be plagued by the place in which they live, hot or cold, “Insanity and suicide are very common things on the Divide.”(3) The weather

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