On Seeing The 100 Perfect Girl April Morning By Haruki Murakami

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Most don’t see the complexity of thinking that occurs when men first introduce themselves to girls, some may not even talk to them. In the short story “On Seeing The 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning” the author Haruki Murkakami shows the deep level of dreaming and overthinking a man does when he sees a pretty girl. This short story shows that people spend more time thinking about situations rather than communicating their different perspectives in real life. This can be proven by analyzing key literary devices such as Imagery’s, similes, metaphors and examining the underlying perception the author makes. The author uses many literary devices in this short story to advance the ongoing theme. The literary devices used is symbolism. …show more content…

In the story the narrator says “She’s walking east to west, and I west to east.” (Murakami 1) This is foreshadowing that they are never going to end up together. They are simply walking different directions in their life. This may be a small foreshadow but enough to make an inference on the story. One other literary device used in the story is a simile. The author compares the couple’s heads as an empty piggy bank “when they awoke, their heads were as empty as the young D.H Lawrence’s piggy bank.” (Murakami 3). This literary device helps well with advancing the theme of the story by giving the reader a better perspective on how empty their mind really is. Instead of saying the couple lost their memory to influenza he compares it to an empty piggy bank to give the reader a bigger perspective on their memory loss. The last literary device is personification. In the short story the boy is gives doubt a personal trait by saying “A tiny, tiny sliver of doubt took root in their hearts” (Murakami 3). Now obviously, doubt is not a physical by any means yet alone can root into someone’s heart. The author giving the reader a more in depth feeling by saying that the doubt is taking root in their hearts compared to saying there’s doubt in their hearts. This draws the readers in and gives them a more attached connection to the actual feeling the couple is

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