Olympics vs Gladiatorial Games

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Now that the Winter Olympics are here and in full swing countries can tune in and watch how their best athletes fair against the best athletes the rest that the rest of the world has to offer. There has always been competitions and contests to determine who the best at a particular sport is or simply to show off who has the bigger and stronger muscles. The first of these Olympic Games was held in 776 BC in Greece where they were founded. Although this competition is widely renowned and watched all over the globe even today, there was also another nation that had its own games of grand scale, large enough to even match the Olympics. These games were known as gladiatorial games and were held in Rome where they were founded around 264 BC while Rome was in an era of peace. Both of these nations conducted their extravagant and exciting games in a similar yet very different manor. Religion along with each cultures values and attitudes had a significant influence on why these two events were so different along with so similar. Aspects of both games can still be seen in todays’ sports and events even though the cultures and times have changed drastically since the founding of these games.
The Olympics of Greece was for many reasons very different from the games of Rome neither was better to watch than the other or more entertaining they were simply conducted in contrasting ways. It was rare to go to a Gladiatorial game in Rome and not see death. On the contrary, at an Olympic game you would rarely see a death only very competitive sport. Unlike in Greece where athletes competed against each other; it was a common occurrence that along with gladiators fighting gladiators there were also the slaughter of criminals and wild animals as part...

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... sports in which two men and or women engage in violent physical contact. For example, there is the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) in which men and or women engage in violent mixed martial arts with one another to inflict as much damage to their opponent as possible to win the fight.
In conclusion, though the Greek Olympics shared many similarities with the Gladiatorial Games of Rome they were very different. Religion was a large influence on how the games were conducted. This was also true with spectators for they had a significant role on what happened in the games. Values and attitudes of both cultures can be observed through their games. Lastly that although both of these games were founded and conducted in far-away countries and many years ago, the sports and athletes of today share some of the same values as the athletes from ancient Rome and Greece.

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