Old Man Monologue

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"Hey boy, why are you blanking out?" An old man wearing strange white long coat type dress shouted.

"Hmm... What? Who are you?" Boy spacing out asked the old man.

The boy standing on the platform asked. Confusion on his face could be seen clearly as if he was not clear what was happening.

"Don't joke around here kid, you are standing on the spiritual platform... focus." The old man said.

After that old man started praying some kind of poem or we better say an incantation. The boy standing on the platform started linking all the things that old man said to him.

In the end, he reached a conclusion. He was no longer in the world he knew and all this happening to him as same as novels and anime he had seen. The thing he always wished to happen, at last, it came true. …show more content…

At first, the old man just wanted to finish all the incantation quickly but after the golden bright light, his expressions changed.

Boy standing on the platform had his eyes closed and he could feel the warmth coming from his of his body. Countless different symbols and knowledge were rushing into his brain.

After the boy opened his eyes he saw that the old man with his mouth opened as wide as a fist could easily move inside with any problem.

"Old man, what happened why you are staring at me like this? I haven't kidnapped your granddaughter so stop staring at me like this." The boy said after seeing the old man.

"Ah, I do have a Granddaughter would you like to marry her?" The old man said after hearing the boy.

'Is this old man retard? Will he give his granddaughter to anyone? why is he acting like this?... I should move from here as soon as possible.'

With that, the boy walked away but when the old man came to his senses he quickly asked: "What's your

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