Oil Pulling Essay

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Oil Pulling Basic Training The process of oil pulling is relatively simple. What’s important to remember is the technique and to practice consistency. Before you start, you’ll want to gather these supplies: Toothbrush-not the one you normally use to brush your teeth Oil-(We’ll talk about the recommended type in the next chapter) Sea salt (Not required, but rinsing with it does feel nice) An empty container, like a water bottle, to expel the saliva/oil into. You can also expel the liquid into the toilet, but remember it now contains poisonous bacteria and oils can harm your plumbing system. After you have these items, you’re ready to swish! Your first swish of the day should be before you eat or drink anything, right after you get out of bed. Step 1-Swish Put one tablespoon of oil into your mouth and gently swish it around. You’ll want to push and pull the liquid through your teeth and allow it to flow into all the areas of your mouth. Avoid gargling, instead make chomping or chewing motions. You may notice your jaw getting tired-if so, just let the oil sit for several seconds. This will give it time to seep into those deep pockets. You’ll want to swish for a full 20 minutes, but you may find you’ll need to start with about 10 minutes and gradually move up to the 20 minute mark. Step 2-Expel When you’ve finished, you’ll want to spit the liquid out into a disposable container or trash can. I’ve found that an empty plastic water bottle works well. I just keep it under the sink in my bathroom and toss it after 3 swishes. Do not spit into the sink, toilet or shower! Remember, it’s oil and it will clog up your plumbing system. Step 3-Flush/Rinse with Saltwater Mix a teaspoon of sea salt or Himalayan salt in a small glass o... ... middle of paper ... ...e feel a little queasy the first few times they oil pull, and having an empty stomach minimizes this. Oil pulling is safe and effective for men, women, and children. The only caveat to this is that children should be old enough comprehend that the oil is to be expelled, and to adhere to this. Testimonial: KJM As a holistic practitioner, I've recommended oil pulling as a form of deep detoxing and have found that this alone has changed the lives of so many of my patients. I don't even use toothpaste any more and have found that my teeth are brighter, stronger and my gums are pink, tight and healthy. Do be sure not to swallow or ingest the oil you swish around in your mouth. It IS filled with many harmful organisms which is why you are doing the oil pulling in the first place. DO SPIT IT OUT at the end of your pulling session. Good luck on your road to greater health.

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