Oil Drilling Can Be Harmful To The Marine Environment

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First, oil drilling can be harmful to the marine environment. A large portion of the United States’ oil comes from drilling in the ocean. When oil companies are in search to find a new place to drill for oil, they must send seismic waves into the ground which reveal where new oil reserves may be found. “But seismic noise disorientates whales and leads to mass beachings, said Richard Charter, a government relations consultant for the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund” ( http://www.livescience.com/4979-oil-drilling-risks-rewards.html). Also, there is always a risk no matter how well the machinery is manufactured that there will be an oil spill. If there is an oil, all animals that live near or in the ocean will be at risk to the toxins of oil. According to …show more content…

When large oil companies drill for new oil on land, this create numerous amounts of problems for animals living in that area. These oil companies cut down thousands of trees, destroying animal's habitats and forcing them to leave. Because the land is getting destroyed, these animals have no safe place to live and no food to eat. If they try to adapt in a new in environment this could destroy the delicately balanced structure of the ecosystem (http://wilderness.org/seven-ways-oil-and-gas-drilling-bad-news-environment). Also, much noise is created by trucks, heavy machinery, and the workers. This causes noise pollution and disrupts migration routes for many birds and mammals. Toxic chemicals can also be released in to the Earth's atmosphere causing acid rain. Many fish in streams, lakes, and ponds can die from the surface runoff of these toxic chemicals(http://wilderness.org/seven-ways-oil-and-gas-drilling-bad-news-environment). Clearly, animals and their habitats suffer daily from these large oil

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