Of Mice And Men Should Censorship Be Banned

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So many good things in this world have either been banned, challenged, or censored in some way. John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men, has been banned because of offensive words or actions depicted in this book. This book argures if murder can be justifiable. In this case one of the main characters, George kills his best friend Lennie because Lennie kills a woman in the story. George’s action was in order to keep Lennie from brutally murdered. This book would be banned because much of its content could be seen as offensive, rude, violent and wrong. But, at the same time all of these situations depicted in Of Mice and Men were events that actually happened and are valid historical events that John Steinbeck wanted to convey to his audience, …show more content…

Books of all genres change people's mindset. Books change the way we think. Novels influence and interact with society even decades after they are written. People that are not willing to argue the pros and cons of controversial topics tend to just shut the extremely valid point out and say that they are not “fit” for schools to teach. Peoples personal opinions lead to censorship which goes against the first amendment of the constitution, which reads, “... freedom of speech, press, right to protest peacefully and right to petition the government”. All of theses points completely contradict the entire meaning of censorship, but yet we still let people use their narrow minded opinions to blacklist amazing works of authors. I think that the first amendment should be protected and our right to freedom of speech and press should be allowed. The non vulgar contestable points made in novels open the door for a well structured argument that deepen our personal understanding of how society and narratives interact with each other, and affect our understanding of issues in the …show more content…

Even though that this book is one of his most famous works still doesn’t mean that peoples opinions cannot tarnish its reputation. Critics say that racial slurs and use of “Jesus Christ” make this book inappropriate. Others say that George and Lennie were “bucking the system” going from one place to another to find work. Many of the issues that come from this piece is the treatment of people with mental and physical disabilities. Of Mice and Men is set in a time period that much of society does not understand the concept of mental health issues. So the treatment of Lennie in regards to his mental capacity was the only way that people knew how to handle someone like Lennie. Many people today do not understand the changes that have come about in society since then and get offended that he is called a dumb stupid idiot. Crooks, the negro stable hand, was crippled when he was very young in an accident. People called him “Crooks” because of the way he stood. People in this time period had no tolerance for any differences others had. This learned tolerance and understanding is what makes our educated, advanced, democratic society so great. All of this discrimination is wrong in my opinion. But, this discrimination was the time period. We have learned and changed and now we have the skill of tolerance and understanding which defines our society today. Yes, the book could be offensive to our

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