Of Mice And Men American Dream Essay

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The American dream is a social construct that is a wide spread belief in the US. It states, the United States of America is the land of opportunity, any an individual who works hard can obtain success. In the novel Of Mice and Men By John Steinbeck, this concept of the American dream is a constant theme throughout the entire novel. Each character in novel has a version an American dream. To an extent, everyone in the novel hoped that even through the great depression, during the 1930’s, in California where it was hard economically, two-ranch workers were able to hope and dreams to escape the cruel reality. The ranch workers had a life of poverty and would go job to job, with little possessions. Their goal was to keep a job as long as they can so in the future they save up enough money to buy a farm. Therefore, the American dream acted as a motivator to work hard. Essentially, having the American dream in mind, allowed them, to escape to their horrible lives on the ranch. …show more content…

They wanted to work hard and not cause any trouble because they had a future in mind. A future, in which they wake up and being their own boss. In actuality, they worked in a farm that was a factory-like environment. The dream that they had, set them apart from all the other workers. Unlike the other lonely ranch workers, they have a future together. Both Lennie and George memorized the dream. This speaks words, as Lennie is the type of person who finds it difficult to remember to the most basic information. Lennie bring the enthusiasm of the dream he talks about the rabbit that he can tend and how they will be so soft. George’s idea of the dream is more than just rabbits. George’s dream is about freedom, security, and independence. The American dream that they share although different from each other, allows for a stronger bond between Lennie and

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