Theme Of Illusion In Of Mice And Men

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Is the American Dream simply an illusion? John Steinbeck raises this question in his novel Of Mice and Men. Set in the 1930’s, the novel begins with two migrant workers, one of which has a mental disability, traveling to a ranch in Soledad, California to find work. The two men named George and Lennie dream of saving enough money to one day own their own ranch. However, as the story ends, it is displayed that their dream has the same outcome as most of the other individuals on the ranch. John Steinbeck intertwines conflict, symbolism, and setting in this novel to display whether the American Dream is an illusion. Throughout the novel many conflicts occur. George and Lennie are often faced with issues. George states, “’ ’Course Lennie’s a god damn nuisance most of the time, but you get used to goin’ around with a guy an’ you can’t get rid of him’” (Steinbeck 41). Here, George is referring to the troubles Lennie causes and even though George has this knowledge of Lennie causing trouble, he chooses to stay by his side. This is much like many Americans seeking the American Dream; they know someone will keep them from their dreams by causing trouble but they choose to deal with it. In addition to this, Lennie is forced to muddle through his internal conflicts. George verbalizes, “’Say it over to yourself, Lennie, so you won’t forget it’” (Steinbeck 29). At this point, George reveals Lennie’s mental disability. The internal conflict the disability causes within Lennie often stands in the way of his dreams. Other characters also face conflicts in the novel stopping them from attaining their dreams. One example would be the character Crooks. Crooks states, “’Cause I’m black. They play cards in there but I can’t play because I’m black.’” (... ... middle of paper ... ...ow Crooks had this knowledge. Overall, the setting shows the failure of dreams in the most prominent ways. In conclusion it can be inferred from the novel that the American Dream is simply an illusion. The use of conflict, symbolism, and setting give examples that can relate back to modern day. An example of conflict would George’s issues with Lennie. In modern day, people go around with others that they know will keep them from their dreams but choose to stay by their side anyway. Symbolism relates to modern day as well with the symbols of safety and security. People nowadays still create these symbols of safety and security when in denial of the thought of their dreams failing. Most importantly setting relates with the time period. Even though times have changed, the American Dream will still fail. Thus it is evident that the American Dream is simply an illusion.

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