Of Friar Lawrence's Actions In Romeo And Juliet

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Shakespeare’s tragic play about forbidden, ill-fated love, Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare, has several secondary characters whose actions influenced the outcome of the play. Friar Lawrence was one of these characters. This godly man has only noble and good intentions. His first action which affected the outcome was his agreement to marry Romeo and Juliet in hopes of uniting the two feuding houses. Another of Friar Lawrence’s actions which affected the outcome was his plan for Juliet to avert marriage to Count Paris. Both actions were done with honorable intentions, but they also led to the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The Montague and Capulet families had hated each other for a long time. They have fought in the streets of Verona three times according to the Prince. Friar Lawrence saw an …show more content…

The love Romeo had for Juliet made him willing to overlook his hate of the Capulets. Likewise, the love Juliet had for Romeo allowed her to ignore the discord she knew to exist between the families. If the marriage had not been hidden, this might have worked. Instead, Romeo, Juliet, Friar Lawrence, and Juliet’s nurse were the only ones who knew of the marriage. Shortly after Romeo and Juliet were married, Juliet’s cousin Tybalt killed Mercutio. In the act of revenge for this killing, Romeo fought and killed Tybalt. Knowing that he would be punished, Romeo ran to the Friar’s cell. Mercifully, the Prince decided that Romeo was to be banished from Verona. If Romeo was seen in Verona, he would be sentenced to death. Friar Lawrence told Romeo to go to Mantua where he would send news occasionally. While Juliet mourned Tybalt and the exile of Romeo, she was told by her father to be ready to wed Count Paris in just a few days. Juliet went to the Friar for advice and he saw that she

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