Oedipus The King Rhetorical Analysis

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In the text Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, the author uses rhetorical devices to establish the central idea, these rhetorical devices are metaphors and imagery. By using these literary elements, Sophocles develops a main idea of ignorance, such as the protagonist Oedipus ignores the relativity of his prophecy and the links between his and his wife and mother Jocasta’s.
In the excerpt, to develop the central idea, Sophocles used the literary term such as an extended metaphor. An example of an extended metaphor that is used in the text is, “Once you have learned the truth about this wedding by which you sailed into this royal house- a lovely voyage, but the harbour’s doomed” (Ln 509-511). In this quote, Teiresias, the courier prolongs

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