Oedipus Rex Essay

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In Oedipus Rex, the writer Sophocles shows the inaccuracy of human enlightenment through the tragic character of Oedipus, whose firm belief that he has full knowledge ultimately leads to his downfall through injustice and uncertainty. The Scholar Bernard Knox once wrote that “knowledge, certainty, and justice – are all qualities Oedipus thought he possessed – and that is why he was the perfect example of human knowledge, certainty, and justice.” Oedipus’ belief that he had full knowledge led him to make false assumptions resulting in inadequate certainties. These certainties furthermore, led Oedipus to administer what he though was true justice, but was in fact the exact opposite, bringing his lacking of the truth full-circle.
Throughout Oedipus Rex, Oedipus made assumptions and took action on things that he believed he knew about. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that all Oedipus believed he knew about his situation and the situations of others proved to be untrue. Instead of being open to the truth, no matter how terrible, Oedipus kept searching for a suitable answer...

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