Oedipus Rex And Antigone

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Sophocles plays “Oedipus Rex” and “Antigone” regard the ideologies Ancient Greeks followed, which had significance influenced the lifestyle. The practises and actions taken by characters in the play, constructs evidence which reliably and usefully show how these plays have historically sourced the context of ancient Greece. These practises and ideologies cover religion, women, as well as ancient myths. All of these fabricate vital connections show what life was like in 4th century Greece.

Religion in 4th century Greece was something Athenians took extremely seriously. The way they worshipped and who they worshipped was discerned and was significant. Their religion was an important ideological practise Athenians undertook, as a way of life. …show more content…

Women weren’t often seen outside, except for fetching water, rituals to gods, which was barely it. Sophocles play “Antigone”, is a play about Oedipus’ four children, Antigone, Ismene, Polynices and Eteocles. Ismene is weak and subordinated, and traditionally women are characterised like this in Greek society. She is particularly presented in this way and she doesn’t help her sister with give her brother Polynices a proper burial. However Creon the king of the Thebes, orders that he doesn’t have a burial, as Polynices brought a foreign army against Thebes. She seems mean and scared, which isn’t the sort of person anyone wants to be like. She obeys the male king Creon of not touching the body and turns down her sister Antigone, who requests for help from her sister. All women in Greek society spend their time in the gynaikon, which is on the upper floor of the home, being the women quarters of the house. Women in ancient Greece usually stay at home and help their children and prepare the house. Ismene is portrayed as the women who stays at home a lot and don’t have much to do with Sophocles play. Antigone's rebellion is especially threatening because it upsets gender roles and hierarchy. Antigone is the main character who isn’t anything like the normal women. Antigone is out and about causing trouble, by trying to give her brother a proper burial. She succeed in fetching the body and tried to hid it, in order to bury it later when she has the chance. However she is caught by Creon the King, who is extremely surprised that she took her brothers body and that it was even her in the first place. Thereafter she is banished in a tomb forever. Athenian women in Greece were restricted in the Classical Period and were not allowed to go wherever they wanted and we can see this reflected when Antigone is imprisoned. She has to abide to the male, and has to especially since Creon is the king.

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