Odysseus Killed Poseidon In Homer's Odyssey

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Odysseus angered Poseidon. He angered him when Odysseus blinded Poseidon’s son Polyphemus, the Cyclops. Then the Cyclops prays to Poseidon and asks him to destroy Odysseus’s ship. He also said that if Poseidon cannot do that, make sure Odysseus returns home late, but returns a broken man. Therefore, Poseidon then slows down Odysseus’s journey making him go through many obstacles, torments him, and does not allow him to go home. (Dorthonion, No date)
The second reason Poseidon is angered with Odysseus is that Athena is Odysseus’s patron or guide throughout the story. They are rivals because Athena beat him in the contest to be the patron deity of Athens. King Cecrops, the king of Athens set out to find a patron deity for the city. Then he called

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