Odysseus Identity Essay

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Throughout Homer’s Odyssey there is a consistent internal conflict regarding identity. Odysseus’ long circuitous route home can be attributed not only to the gods but to his own flaws that additively form his identity. Particularly, these faults of complacency, arrogance, and desire for concealment as means of avoidance are outlined in his early interactions most explicitly with Polyphemus (IX). Phaeacia, where he recounts his adventures, serves as a transition point where Odysseus is forced to address his flaws. He gains the capacity to learn from his mistakes and change the person he sought to cover up with disguises (VI, VII). In the early aspects of Odysseus’ journey, Homer establishes the initial state of Odysseus’ identity, one that includes dangerous arrogance, complacency, and desires for concealment. This image is prominently presented in his encounter with Polyphemus. Overstaying his welcome, stealing, and overly expectant of hospitality he leads his men to their doom (IX.325-328, 258-259, 300-302). When asked for his name, he replies cleverly “Nobody--that’s my name” disg...

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