Odysseus And The Trojan War

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Any soldiers that come back from war can have some difficult times with a lot of things. They can have emotional, physical, and mental problems. Also can have issues with their families when they come back because they are different when they come back. Also war then and now is a lot different in ways. Also comparing and contrasting soldiers and Odysseus and how they're similar and different . Also will explain the Trojan war These subjects are gonna be explained in this paper. When soldiers come back from war some not all recover from war. They have mental, physical, and emotional problems. I mean who wouldn’t killing someone or watching someone get killed. Also especially watching friends get killed. They come back and still have dreams and see all these things. Which one of the disorders would be PTSD. Which is a horrible thing to have when they come back. It can change there whole life the relationship in their family and how they look at things. …show more content…

Troy defeated Greece and it took 10 years to do it. This was during the bronze age why the war began because the queen of sparta Helen was kidnapped by the prince of Trojan which was Paris. Then that's when her husband went to rescue her with a lot of people going with him. Which they got on ships which were going to the Asia minor. Which lead to the death of the prince of Troy. It ended when the greek soldiers hid in a wooden horse outside of Troy then when night came they got out of the horse attacked Troy. A lot of people died during this war including both princes of Troy. Which was lead by

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