Odysseus And Hubris In Homer's 'Odyssey'

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The English Dictionary defines hubris as “extreme pride and arrogance shown by a character that ultimately brings about his downfall”. Hubris is a fatal flaw in the personality of a character who enjoys a powerful position; as a result of which, he overestimates his capabilities to such an extent that he loses contact with reality. A character that suffers from hubris tries to cross normal human limits, usually violating moral codes. Examples of hubris are found in major characters of tragic plays. Like hubris, Odysseus’ curiosity leads him to lose sight of reality and causes the downfall of him and all of his men, Homers recall of the incidents with Polyphemus, the Laestrygonians, and Circe in the ‘Odyssey’ reinvent the idea of hubris, no …show more content…

It is the quest for answers and the need for food and supplies that leads him and his men into the cave, unaware of what they might encounter. With no idea of what might be in store for them, Odysseus’ leads his men into the cave, “Ah, how sound that was! Yet I refused. I wished to see the cave man, what he had to offer- no pretty sight, it turned out, for my friends.” (Book XI, ln 171-174). This example of curiosity is followed by the loss of six men. Homer tells this story in order to reflect on the idea that curiosity comes with consequence. It is important that this trait be given to Odysseus because, like pride, his curious sprit inevitably causes the downfall of his mission. This example is what keeps Odysseus from being able to sail …show more content…

Odysseus’ curiosity, leads him to the island of the Laestrygonians. “No cattle could be seen or buildings, only a trace of smoke rising inland. So I sent a party of my men to find out what sort of beings lived there. I chose two to go and a third as herald” (Book X, Ln. 169-71). Lacking that of a good leader, Odysseus and his men in for answers. Homer interprets Odysseus’ curiosity as the reason his men have to die. Odysseus lacks the ability to see the consequences of his actions. In reaction to his curiosity, Odysseus looses all but one ship full of

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