Ocean Point Research Paper

505 Words2 Pages

One of my favorite places along the coast of Maine is Ocean Point.

Ocean Point is located in East Boothbay, close to where I grew up in Boothbay Harbor. To get there you take a 10 minute drive along a windy road lined with many rosebushes, trees and waterfront houses; you pass through a quaint village with a few boat building businesses and art galleries. One spot along the way is known as Thrill Hill. If you speed up just a little when going over the hill, it gives you a little thrill in your belly, like a rollercoaster.

When you finally reach Ocean Point, the first spot you come to is Grimes Cove. At this spot, the road narrows and curves to the right. Straight ahead is the ocean, where there is a boat launch area. If you are not paying attention to the road, you could drive right into the cove. In the summer, Grimes Cove is a popular spot for swimming, exploring, and collecting sea treasures.

One side of the road hugs the ocean, where the rocks are jagged and rough and beach roses grow wild. There are many beautiful summer cottages perched on the ledges, with the ocean lapping at their steps and roses sprawling across the yards. On the opposite side of the road, close together …show more content…

At this spot, three tall pine trees grow in a clump between the rocks; their branches have been beaten by many angry storms. There are several ledges here that have been smoothed over by the ocean waves. Looking out at the Atlantic from here, you can see Fisherman’s Island and Ram Island, and in the distance you can see the horizon, which seems to never end. There are lobstermen hauling their traps and sailors enjoying the sunshine and sea. The air has a salty taste and scent, along with the soft scent of beach roses. The low moan of a fog horn from a lighthouse can be heard as the wave’s crash along the rocks and seagulls cry as they fly overhead and dive into the ocean hoping to catch a

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