Occupational Therapy Personal Statement

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Attention: Graduate Selection Committee Thank you for considering my application as a prospective Master’s of Occupational Therapy student. I’ve earned my undergraduate degree in Recreational Therapy/Sports Management at Florida International University in 2014. After graduation, I was hired as a full time Recreational Therapist at a private substance abuse and behavioral health treatment facility for adolescents and adults. Moreover, while learning on the job training skills with the combination of course studies, I decided to obtain the licensure to become a Certified Recreational Therapist. I passed on my first attempt, felt exhilarated and told myself this is just the beginning. I’ve developed an interest in occupational therapy after working as a part-time Outpatient Rehabilitation Technician for three years while attending undergraduate courses. During that time, I learned a great deal about patient care. I recall observing patient’s evaluation, treatment plans and the progression in which each patient made before discharge. Working in a facility with occupational therapist give me insight, which was very motivational in perusing a Masters Degree within Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy is different from other healthcare professionals. Occupational therapist focuses on …show more content…

During my undergraduate I’ve experienced many obstacles from having care troubles to paying for my college education. However, my faith in God, the use of prayer and self -determination allowed me overcome adversity. My family fought through their own struggles to arrive to the United States for a better life. Therefore, I’ve learned the value of hard work and the importance of humility. I’ve taken classes day and night to reach this point in my life and will continue to strive, become a health care service provider as well as an innovator within the field occupational therapy. Giving up for me is never an

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