Occidental Civilization

1292 Words3 Pages

Gilad Nilo
Professor Todd Shepard
Occidental Civilization
5 April 2014
The Great War and Rise of Industrialism
Europe in the early 20th century was a cesspool of jingoistic nationalism, industrial development, and imperialistic conquests, but this fusion of new concepts in the era arose seemingly distinct from previous thoughts; however, this amalgamation of ideals acted as a natural development of the beliefs of previous generations, if seemingly split from prior thinking. Beginning starkly with industrialization of Europe, past philosophies were overlooked for more realistic ideologies stemming from the competition arising from military and economic intimidation. The novel thinking emerging on the self, the state, and the world climaxed with the outbreak of the Great War. From industrialization, the velocity and volume of violence increased dramatically with numerous military advancements that spawned a war the likes of which was never seen on Earth prior, and from nationalism, the production and logistics to create violence allowed for the upkeep of colossal conflicts. Total war, a new form of complete mobilization, was only made possible through the principles and relationships developed in the century prior.
Romanticism acted as a distinct backbone of political and social rhetoric for theorists throughout the 19th and 20th century across Europe. Through artistic mediums, people created a cultural basis for nationalistic thought, and these literary, illustrated, and musical productions planted the seed of national and often ethnocentric pride of the people in various states. Simultaneously, rapid industrialization occurred, and cities grew immensely; to support the expansion, the developing industries assembled flocks of pe...

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...nuity of developments of the past century by not only overthrowing the previous government but also establishing an entirely distinct regime; however, the influences of preceding ideals definitely remain intact.
The industrial revolution marks a distinct period in human history when the destructive and productive capability of humans became unprecedented. Technological advances allowed the world to be inherently more connected through railways, telegraphs, and telephones. The increase in scope and interconnectedness permitted ideologies and movements to be intrinsically more unified, organized, and widespread. The nation-state was able to develop itself as a personal identity because the scope of the world expanded. Individuals recognize their insignificance in their world, and thereby believe that their nation represents themselves in their ever-increasing sphere.

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