Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects an average 1.7% of the population according to the Stanford University School of Medicine. The recognition of this psychological disorder has grown in the recent years. As the knowledge of this disorder becomes more prevalent, those suffering have become more willing to seek help (OCDA).

OCD is a condition “in which people experience repetitive and upsetting thoughts and/or behaviors” (OCDA). While there are many variation of the disease, those suffering from OCD show signs in either or both of two categories: obsession and compulsion. The obsessive factor varies from thoughts to images or to impulses. These obsessions are often frequent, upsetting, and difficult to get rid of. An example might be an unreasonable fear about germs, dirt, and/or contamination. According to a study by Rasmussen and Eisen in 1992, it is most common for people to suffer from multiple obsessions (Stanford). There is a large range of what these obsessions might be.

Similar to obsession, the compulsion factor also has many different variations. Compulsions are common ways for those suffering from OCD to cope with the stresses due to an obsession (OCDA). They are defined as “repetitive and seemingly purposeful behaviors or mental acts performed to rigid rules” (Stanford). Those inflicted are often subjected to these acts such as repetitive washing, counting, or praying. However, the completion of these acts still offers little relief and no pleasure.

Many more than 1.7% of the population suffers from similar experiences and/or thoughts. Nearly everyone has double checked if they locked a door or put something away. The difference is when the...

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...n whatever way possible.

Works Cited

"About OCD." OCD Action. 2006. OCDA. 22 Nov. 2006

Heyman, Isobel. "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children." Psychiatry. 2003. Institute of Psychiatry and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. 22 Nov. 2006

"OCF." Obsessive Compulsive Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago. 2006. 22 Nov. 2006

Packer, Leslie E. "TIPS for Accommodating Students with OCD." About Those Band-Aids. 2004. Challenging Kids, Inc. 22 Nov. 2006

"Psychiatry." Psychiatry: Obessive Compulsive and Related Disorders Research Program. Stanford University. 22 Nov. 2006 .

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