Observable Behaviors

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Humans exhibit observable behaviours that can be uniquely influenced by individual and environmental factors. Beneficial health behaviours have the capacity to enable a state of wellness. They are behaviour patterns, actions and habits that relate to health maintenance, to health restoration and to health improvement. ("Health behaviours and other risks to health (AIHW)", 2016) Within this definition, there are different categories that behaviours can fall under; medical service usages, compliance with medical regimens and self-directed health behaviours. These behaviours have received substantial amounts of attention and researches have a decent understanding of the factors influencing how and why individuals engage in such behaviors. A healthy …show more content…

According to (Hendrick, 2016), it was found that after adjusting the data for cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, smoking, social class, and family heart disease history, the researchers found that people who admitted to brushing their teeth less frequently had a 70% extra risk of heart disease. Brushing your teeth on a daily basis can reduce your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. The bacteria that accumulates throughout the day and night between brushes can make its way into your bloodstream. When in the blood stream the bacteria triggers inflammation, which causes damage to blood vessels, including the vessels of the heart. Furthermore, gum diseases that are obtained from not brushing the teeth make it harder to control your blood glucose. Gum disease and diabetes have a relationship that is two-way; not only are people with diabetes more susceptible to serious gum disease, but serious gum disease may have the potential to affect blood glucose control and contribute to the progression of diabetes. Moreover, when you breathe, the pathogens that are in your mouth get inhaled right into your lungs. People that brush their teeth will have a less chance of forming fatal pathogens. When the pathogens enter your lungs, it can cause pneumonia, which will require the …show more content…

If your teeth are not cleaned on a consistent basis, your mouth will start to smell and cause halitosis which is mostly caused by sulphur-producing bacteria that normally live on the surface of the tongue and in the throat. Occasionally, these bacteria start to break down proteins at a very high rate and odorous volatile sulphur compounds are released from the back of the tongue and throat. Although halitosis is not infectious, bad breath can affect many people’s daily lives. Statistics from National Smile show that around 2.4% of the adult population suffers from bad breath. One in four adults don’t brush twice a day, including a third of men and one in ten adults admit they regularly forget to brush their teeth. With these statistics, it can be seen that a quarter of adults do not find brush their teeth. This increases their chance for different diseases and also will leave the non-brushers with a mouth that no one wants to smell. As social interaction is important in today’s world, people that have a healthy oral hygiene will excel and feel more confident in person to person activities. With one in ten adults ‘forgetting’ to brush their teeth on a regular basis, it shows how little they care about their health. Most adults don’t realise how important brushing teeth is and don’t realise that you only get one set of teeth. As it is

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