Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1 Kerberos

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The authorization role is used by providers that make access decisions for the requested resources based on the effective user identity context. This identity context is determined by the authentication provider and the identity assertion provider mapping rules. Evaluation of the identity contexts user and group principals against a set of access policies is done by the authorization provider in order to determine whether access should be granted to the effective user for the requested resource [14]. Out of the box, the Knox Gateway provides an ACL based authorization provider that evaluates rules that comprise of username, groups and ip addresses. These ACLs are bound to and protect resources at the service level. That is, they protect access to the Hadoop services themselves based on user, group and remote IP address [14]. To provide a common authorization framework for the Hadoop platform, providing security administrators with a single administrative console to manage all the authorization policies for Hadoop components is the goal of Hadoop’s developers. …show more content…

Kerberos provides a secure authentication scheme. Authentication is needed to restrict the intruders and malicious users. The major security issues discussed are privacy of the data, integrity of data and authentication mechanism which is not there in Hadoop. Hadoop supports Kerberos for authentication and many security features can be configured with the Hadoop to restrict the accessibility of the data. The data can be associated with the user names or group names in which data can be accessed. Kerberos is a conventional authentication system, improved authentication systems can be used which are more secure and efficient than

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