Notker The Stammerer Essay

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570885, HIST 317 Nokter the Stammerer According to “wisdom” is defined as knowledge of what is true or rightcoupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight. Now the reason why that definition is important is because that what Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, embodies in ‘The Life of Charlemagne’ by Notker the Stammerer. Much like Einhard’s biography of Charlemagne in some ways, Notker the Stammerer writes less about Charles the Great’s character and more about his thirst for and his acquisition of wisdom. In this analysis what will be examined is how deeply Charlemagne and wisdom are intertwined. In the very beginning of the text Notker the Stammerer tells the story of two Scotchman …show more content…

Charles says that the knowledgeable young men will always be honorable in his eyes and the noblemen who one would think would could recognition for their social status alone, it says would never get favor from Charles. Notker the Stammerer includes this story in his biography because it proves to show that when it comes to Charles the Great, what is important in his eyes is not the background from which you come but the effort and diligence you put out in search of your own erudition. Furthermore in this same text Notker introduces us to Albinus, an Englishman who studied under the Priest Bede, whom traveled to Charles the Great and became not his underlying but his master. This snippet from the text is very important because not only is it asinine to think that a King would refer to himself as a disciple of somebody else but to then gave that same individual dominion over a certain area ( the abbey of Saint Martin) when he himself wasn’t present was unheard of at the time. This comes to show yet again what kind of value Charles the Great puts on

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