Nothing Gold Can Stay Meaning

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Robert Frost wrote Nothing Gold Can Stay in 1923, just five years after World War 1. His original poem contains more ideas about the world ending and his political views. Frost frequently spoke out on international affairs in his sly way. Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost wrote his narrative poem that tells a story about life. The title is an obvious title, but still has some mystery behind it. It is up to the reader of the poem to determine what it means. Supposing that the reader interprets the word Gold as a human quality, it could mean the originality of a human dying as they grow up to fit the standards and views of the world.But the meaning could be taken from nature. There are many possibilities that the title could mean. In the poem, Robert Frost repeats the word …show more content…

The reference to the seasons is used to convey a message of time passing. Although, you can also interpret the meaning of rebirth and death from the poem. In "Nothing Gold Can Stay" there were not many clear signs of any human characters, but Robert Frost made nature be the character in the poem to substitute for a deeper meaning. He also used a reference to Eden and personified it so show other meanings. The poem substitutes the obvious meaning of phrases with more complex phrases. The readers are supposed to decipher the meaning of the complex phrase to grasp the overall meaning of the poem. He chose his words carefully to hide the actual meaning of the poem. He knew that the actual meaning of the poem, the world ending, would create panic to the readers. Nothing Gold Can Stay did not reference or stress cultural details, such as the behavior, dress, or speech habits of a particular group or historical period or event. The poem is a reality poem because it refers to real life places, seasons, and things. The first mood you get when you read Nothing Gold Can Stay is a cheerful, pleasant, and mysterious

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