Nosferatu And Freaks Comparison

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When analyzing Nosferatu and Freaks you have to think of this movie from the ground up. One main difference is that one of the films was made while the film is still and without dialogue whereas the other has the luxury of sound and movement. The modification hints to a bigger amount of more detailed comparisons that deserve discussion. While making a silent movie, the director has to trust the sight and lighting, which amplifies the need for a certain amount of wording on the screen to guide the audience towards his future expressive, and logical reaction. Due to the nature of this film, the director isn’t able to go fully into details about the character build-up with the same tools, as is the director of Freaks, a non-silent film. In Nosferatu, this ends with a very small amount of characters that have complexity whatsoever. Whereas in Freaks we are able to get the full …show more content…

Browning pushes the idea that “freaks may look different on the outside, but they are people too just like everyone else.” With their demeanor working as a traveling circus helps alleviate the theme of the movie. Having these “freaks” ranging from a bearded lady, Siamese twins, and the microcephalic helps us set the stage for the time and place that the film in, it show us qualities through stylization and determines the characters. Before the movie gets into the beefy parts we are introduced to certain characters allowing us to make quick conclusions about the way they are dressed, talk, and look. When we first meet Cleopatra she is shown in a long shot as a tall thin woman who drops something and stands there waiting for Hans to put it back on her; we immediately get the thoughts of “oh I am better than you,” because she knowingly stands there where he cant reach her because of the height difference. With the long shots in this film it better allows us to see the whole picture making sure we aren’t focused on one particular

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