North Korea Research Paper

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Many people know about the situation regarding North Korea and their nuclear missiles, and many people know that North Korea is engaged in peace talks with other countries. Why though? What is the real reason for North Korea to engage in peace talks? Is North Korea getting worried about their safety? It is also well know that the United Nations have placed sanctions on North Korea to try and squeeze their economy, but is it working? They must be working if North Korea is ready to talk peace. Maybe North Korea isn't engaging in peace talks to make peace, but to get past or remove sanctions. The United Nations are using sanctions to squeeze North Korea's economy in order to make Kim Jong Un give into the demands of the UN, and give up his nuclear arsenal. However, some critics say that Kim Jong Un tried to use the Olympics and peace talks with South Korea to poke holes in sanctions. In an article written by Time Magazine, Tong-Hyung and Lee said, "South Korea is wrestling how to balance international sanctions on North Korea..." During the Olympics South Korea followed sanctions by denying North Korea's request for ship fuel, and the Olympics …show more content…

For the duration of the Olympics North and South Korea held joint practices and competed in the events as one team. During the Olympics Kim Yo Jong, sister of Kim Jong Un, visited the Olympics as North Korea's guest of honor. Kim Yo Jong is the first member of North Korea's ruling family to visit South Korea since the Korean War, which ended in 1953. In a Time Magazine article, Tong-Hyung and Lee said, "But critics say South Korea is playing into the hands of North Korea as it tries to use the Olympics to poke holes in sanctions." Many people agree that it seems like North Korea was using the Olympics to get past

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