Nocturne In Black And Gold: The Falling Rocket

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Throughout the course of history, art has changed in vast number of ways. Dating back to the Pre-Colombian era of art, you are able to find sculptors, mounds and other artwork on Native American culture. Native Americans believed in pantheism which is the worship of nature. Native Americans were seen as savages because they lived in nature, they worshipped nature, wore off clothing that didn’t cover their bodies fully. They performed ceremonies that have seemed peculiar to explorers during the exploration of the New World such Christopher Columbus. However, art has evolved in so many different ways imaginable. The use of colors, unique styles, reflections from lighting outdoors and the imagination of the artist can really put …show more content…

1875, was influenced by London’s Cremorne Gardens (Marcil & VanDyke, n.d.). This painting was part of a collection of paintings he called “nocturnes” (Wilmer, 2012). The title of the painting contains the word nocturne, which in terms give the impression that the painting depicts a night time atmosphere. Whistler was infatuated with the scenery of the river in the night since you are able to see different lights in the water from the reflections of the stars, moon, boats and lamps (Wilmer, 2012). During the night Whistler would go on boat rides then make sketches of what he saw; these sketches would eventually become nocturnes (Wilmer, 2012). The painting is supposed to represent a scene of fireworks being discharge over London’s Cremorne Garden on the Thames (Marcil & VanDyke, n.d.). In the mist of the smoke and dark hues, you can see water on bottom showing reflections of the scene. Whistler’s use of different hues in the scene creates a gaze in my opinion and really draws the public’s attention. The entire scene is primarily dim with the use of black, dark blue and dark green (Wilmer, 2012). The fireworks are shown in bright colors such as orange, red, pink, yellow and green (Wilmer, 2012). Whistler uses contemporary colors, which is the use opposite colors for effect or to grab the public’s attention. We see this being replicated in later works such as Childe Hassam’s, The El, New …show more content…

Whistler defended his name and work by saying that the painting represents fireworks over a garden and it was a completed painting. The painting took two days of labor to complete and that is why he asked two hundred guineas. Whistler eventually won the case and was awarded 1,000 guineas but eventually went bankrupt (McCoubrey, 181). Nocturne in Black and Gold maybe be seen as a form of abstract art by many which you can say it is. When people look at this specific scene, they see different colors just splattered on the canvas, no specific shapes or lines but just an explosion of color everywhere but this is an element of the impressionistic style. Those who look at Nocturne in Black and Gold might think it took a day or even hours just to create. But they are wrong. James Whistler when being asked how long he took to knock off or paint this picture stated, “Let us say then long did I take to “knock off”, I think that is it- to knock off that nocturne; well, as well as I remember, about a day. Only a day? Well, I won’t be quite positive; I may have still put a few more touches to it the next day if the painting were not dry. I had better say then, that I was two days at work on it” (McCoubrey,

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