No Freedom In The Land Of The Free Essay

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No Freedom in The Land of the Free The United States of America, known as the land of the free. Where all are free to do as they please, with consequences to illegal acts obviously. But is this the land of the free? A land where people are being “protected” and “secured” at the cost of their freedom. This is no longer the land of the free. This is not the America it once was. We are no longer free. This nation seems to be not just under God, but under surveillance. Those that have said over and over that all are free, are the same people constantly monitoring and watching. The government says that security is for the people’s benefit, but in order to have security they need to give up “some” of their freedom. They shouldn’t have to give that up. They are here because since the …show more content…

What is the point of having rights and freedom if all that is going to be ignored. The government has said that what they do is for our safety. How do we know that they aren’t just using the surveillance footage, recordings and records for other purposes. The government has lied to us many times before, for example The PATRIOT Act that was implemented by George Bush was created so that it would help prevent another attack like 9/11. The act was said to provide appropriate tools required to intercept and obstruct terrorism. (The PATRIOT Act, 2001) What the act actually did was allow the government to go through records and footage that had nothing to do with terrorism. In the end the act didn't even help in finding Osama Bin Laden, the man behind the 9/11 attacks. The people of the United States were and some are still unaware of what the government can look up and see. This is a violation of privacy. The fourth amendment states that the people should be secure. ( Amendment IV) How are we secure when we are under surveillance. The cameras in stores can be accessed by the National Security Agency, also known as the

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