'Nine Secrets Of Courage From Extreme Fear'

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Courage is defined by the dictionary as the ability to do something that frightens one or the strength in the face of pain and grief. There is not a standard definition for courage, as we can all have different opinions about what courage. As Jeff Wise wrote on his article “Nine Secrets of Courage From 'Extreme Fear”, “Courage: it's not just for heroes. Fear is an emotion we all deal with, and how we handle it determines what kind of life we'll lead -- whether shackled by anxiety and dread, or empowered to conquer new challenges” This means that anyone can be affected by courage in some level. Courage does not choose us to commit courageous acts, we have to choose to be courageous. Courage ranges from physical strength and endurance to mental innovation. Doctors and patients are an example of the effects courage can have on an individual. For instance, according to the video “The Courage to Cut” Neurosurgeons believe that “the brain is the most complex …show more content…

Sen says “The brain has the consistency of Jell-O. A tumor feels like a piece of meat. The nerves are like small wet noodles,” he explains that “You must peel away the meat without disrupting the Jell-O. Along the way, you must be careful not to damage any blood vessels, which could cause a stroke, or nerves, which could cause blindness, deafness, paralysis, or other problems” When Neurosurgeons perform a surgery to remove a tumors, they must be very careful in every move they make because the smallest mistake can cause great damage to the brain, which can later affect our lives in a negative way. The fact that neurosurgeons try to help people in need knowing that they could fail and the person they are helping might not make it alive takes

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