Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

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The book The Prince by Niccoló Machiavelli is an instructive guide on how to properly govern people. This book was written to Lorenzo de’ Medici as a guide on how to be a smart and powerful prince. This book, although written about 500 years ago, can also be very prevalent to politics today. When New York Times author Jared Diamond, was asked what book he thinks President Obama should read, he responded with, The Prince. His reason was, although Machiavelli is known as a cynical and cruel man, he is “a crystal-clear realist who understands the limits and uses of power”. In the beginning of the book, Machiavelli backs up his intensions for writing this book and how he, a citizen, can know so much about power and ruling people. He says that …show more content…

After being appointed, one must simply maintain previous laws and keep them up to date with the modern times. Machiavelli makes many very important points in this book. All of which form a guideline on how to keep your people under control yet content with the head of state. He has several tactics on how to keep the people under control. One of which, is to desecrate the people, to scare them, as to secure the prince’s place of power over the people. Especially in former republics, the citizens will still cling onto the liberty that they possessed before being taken over, which is very bad. This can lead to the citizens organization and deposition of the prince. This can be avoided by destroying them. Machiavelli states several ways that a man can become a prince. He talks about people who gain power through misconduct. In other words, one may cross someone of equal or higher rank to gain power, or gain the trust of people to use them to his advantage. He gives the example of King Agathocles of Syracuse. Agathocles was just an ordinary man in the militia who gained rank and used this to his advantage. He had a meeting with other people of high rank and gave them an order to kill the leaders and make him the sole leader. Throughout his career as ruler, Agathocles had many threats to overthrow him. Machiavelli states that if a prince rises to power using crime, …show more content…

This is important because when an enemy is attacking a barricaded town, and the people are becoming angry at the prince due to all of their belongings being destroyed, the prince will be able to rally them up and destroy the enemy. He would do this by telling them that their belongings can be replaced and rally the people up by loading them with nationalism and chauvinism. This will allow the prince to get the victory and make the people adore him even more. Machiavelli goes on to mention many more parts of a principality that all form the guideline for his ideal prince and how he would

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