Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince

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Machiavelli’s The Prince In 1515, Niccolo Machiavelli manifested the book, later referred to as The Prince, in Florence, Italy. The book did not have a name until five years after his death when it was published. The intent of Machiavelli in writing The Prince was to get the attention of Lorenzo de Medici. The book intends to give its audience the knowledge on how to obtain power and also how to maintain power. Though The Prince was written 500 years ago, many modern politicians still use its concepts such as: keeping a wartime mind, being praised or blamed, choosing liberality or meanness, and determining to be lo be loved or feared. One of Machiavelli’s concepts is that to be a successful prince he must keep a wartime mind set. With this being said, the prince should always concern himself with everything involving war. The people will not follow an unarmed leader. The Prince infers that “a prince who does not understand …show more content…

Benner agrees with Machiavelli declaring “that princes should avoid playing the popularity game at all and avoid varying their modes of spending” (67). With this being said, a prince should not be as liberal as mean. Liberality only brings him hatred. His subjects will think of him as odious. A prince having liberality would have to take a lot from the people and reward few. Liberality would lead you to lose power and being despised if you do not guard yourself. He would have to tax the people to cover himself from being generous and giving, so to be successful a prince would have to be mean. A prince, who is mean, keeps all of his subjects in order and from falling apart. Politicians, who are liberal, are usually only liked in the beginning when they are giving and hated when they stop giving. It is the opposite of a frugal leaders. They are hated because of their meanness but in the end, they are loved for keeping his subjects

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