New Tisbury School Case

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The Case for a New Tisbury School In 1854, the town of Tisbury built its first school on Center Street in Vineyard Haven. Seventy-five years later, in 1929, that school was demolished and the Tisbury School at its current location was constructed. It has served the Town well for almost 90 years, but is at the end of its useful life. Windows have failed, the roof has multiple leaks, brick is cracking and needs repointing, and the cafeteria and gym are just too small. The renovations needed just to bring this building into compliance with current building codes would cost over $20 million, and that would not even begin to address educational needs. The Tisbury Building Committee recently voted to build a new Tisbury School on the same …show more content…

The students consistently score well on statewide tests, and they are well prepared for high school and beyond. But the School Building Committee and School Administration, after looking at multiple sites, touring other schools and reviewing multiple options, realized that a new school has substantial advantages over renovating and adding to the existing school. A new building will furnish teachers with the tools necessary to meet the growing needs of our student population. Individualized instructional spaces for English Language Learners and students with special needs will allow these students to receive the specialized instruction they require to make appropriate progress and keep up with their grade level peers. Additionally, the new building will provide the infrastructure to integrate modern technology into the educational program, supporting students as they utilize software to develop concepts and permitting teachers to use programs that can target specific student needs and learning styles. Group spaces in the building will bring teams of student together to collaborate on school projects or attend presentations. In today’s global economy students must have the skills needed to conduct research, work in teams, and effectively deliver presentations. A new Tisbury School will provide the staff with the tools to prepare students for success in high

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