New Deal Dbq

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“Confidence and courage are the essentials in our plan,” declared Franklin Roosevelt. To what plan was Roosevelt talking about? To the New Deal. The New Deal would end the depravity of the banks, the overproduction of farms, and the level of unemployment. As soon as Roosevelt took position as President of the United Sates, Roosevelt went to solving America’s bank issue. From March 6th to March 9th, Roosevelt called a bank holiday allowing banks to review their fiscal health. After this holiday, Roosevelt called Congress together to sign the Emergency Banking Relief Act. This new act held the greatest importance in the New Deal Era. This act gave the president power over every bank in the country. In June, the Banking Act of 1933 was put into place. This new act created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The FDIC took power out of the banks hands and the banks would reimburse the people if the bank failed. The impact of these acts was the closing of 1,100 banks and the reorganization of 3,000 banks. By 1936, not a single bank in the U.S. failed. Roosevelt’s banking acts sparked a new beginning, but he still had much to accomplish. …show more content…

A drastic 80% drop in income resulted in over production. The 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) ended agricultural over production. This over production created very low prices across the country in wheat, hog, corn, and other essential products. This act involved the federal government to pay farmers to limit their productions. By 1936, farmers were earning the money they deserved from their productions. Even though the act resulted in success, it was considered unconstitutional due to the fact it took away the right of each state to set its own economic rules. Roosevelt’s agricultural improvement only worked for a short successful amount of time, but Roosevelt still had more to offer

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