New Deal Dbq

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During the era of Herbert Hoover of 1929, America suffered a great down fall of the Great Depression where the stock market crashed leaving 36% of Americans in unemployment and Bank Runs where Americans withdrew their money from banks before the banks could spend what was left. The suffrage from the Great Depression caused many Americans to dislike Hoover so in the next election of 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt won America over by creating the New Deal Order which consisted of the New Deal Coalition for farmers and the New Deal Liberalism. The New Deal promised the three R’s: relief, recovery and reform for America. Also, it offered government programs such as social security and the Federal Housing Administration to help Americans during the suffrage. One of the greatest successes other than Social Security was the Bank Relief Act which brought America out of the Great Depression and allowed banks to stay open. The only failure from the New Deal order that FDR started was that …show more content…

Eisenhower where he created many government programs; such as, welfare and Federal Highway Acts to help create jobs and end hunger. Then he created the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations labor unions which emerged together and created the AFL-CIO. Also he believed in cutting finances on domestic programs in order to stop socialism. President Kennedy’s goals with the New Deal Order was to create an expansion on welfare and a cut down on taxes. Many Americans were all for Kennedy’s new form of the New Deal but unfortunately he was assassinated before he could start this. His VP Johnson took over the idea of the New Deal Order that Kennedy had come up with which was to create “The Great Society” to end all racial injustice and poverty. The main idea from these three president was to get rid of poverty and create jobs for those who were

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