Netflix Research Paper

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Generation after generation flies faster than an airplane and passes faster than ever. Technology would change as the time passes too. Over the past years technicians and technologists do their best to offer younger generations better options and technology to climb steps in the society to be better and better. Technologists and technicians do their best to find faster and cheaper ways that we can use in everyday regular uses. Netflix as an entertaining company did not have an easy start. Sense this company did their best trying to achieve our desires we should know more about the origin of Netflix and their way up to success and fame.

Literature Review
Hastings (2005) stated that Netflix was originally a single rental service until more …show more content…

Netflix got affected by us and we got affected by it too. When a big entertaining company like Netflix provides all of our daily needs we as humans naturally use what's easier for us and they in return benefit too. As a result of this exchange Netflix now do their own movies and TV shows, which makes them successful as time passes.
Success, not fame. Hasting (2005), the creator and founder of Netflix mentioned that he created Netflix for one reason Success not fame. He was an engineer who had an idea. He believed in knowledge and technology and as a result of that he created Netflix. Hasting knew that a lot of problems would face him, but he took risks because he had a goal to achieve. And that proves that you will only learn and succeed by struggling.
Making history, not money. According to Mcalone (2016) Netflix made a lot of history by mailing DVDs, with no late fees, great selection, recommendation system and a good pricing too. They made us especially young generation to believe in their network by making us try a whole free month of free movies and TV shows and they were smart by doing that because us as a younger generation drag our parents and elders into new technology and fashion. Its obvious they made money, but they didn't stop there they offered us more options and movies for us …show more content…

A lot of arguments had been made about how Netflix now and how it's grabbing attention from all the other companies and not giving anybody else a chance as mentioned by Perry (2015). Netflix fought all the way through to get to the top and they never failed their customers in anything. Although they knew that it wasn't easy to produce original material they did their best and succeeded at it mentioned by Nocera (2016). A lot of people looked back at back at the origin of Netflix and their story of success and it was full of struggles, competitors, decision making and a bunch challenges. Lev-Ram (2016) talked about their smart strategy to get more subscribers. They used young generations, categorized the options into family, kids, teens, which made it a lot easier and provided to a bunch of people to choose

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