Neptune Research Paper

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Neptune is thought to be like Uranus. But have a lot of things in common and different about one another. Neptune and Uranus are both very big planets compared to Earth. But first let’s take in mind Neptune and how it is moderately like Jupiter. According to The Sky on Neptune there is also a gigantic blue spot (like Jupiter). Astronomers (scientists) don’t have much of a concept on how it formed and what it is. Neptune is the furthest planet from (not including the dwarf planets) the sun making it freezing. It’s -210o C (-346o F) that is extremely cold.

Neptune was discovered in 1846 by Johann Gottfried Galle. Neptune has 13 found moons. Most of these from Voyager 2’s mission. According to The Sky, Triton the biggest and most known moon of Neptune it’s diameter of 1,680 miles or 2,700 kilometers. Remember that blue spot on Neptune. This blue spot was found in the southern hemisphere. It later disappeared in 1994. Scientists and Astronomers were very Bewildered on why it disappeared. But recently they observed another spot in the northern hemisphere there not sure why these blue spots are ephemeral.This may indicate that Neptune’s atmosphere is highly …show more content…

People may know that Neptune’s blue gas (like Uranus) comes from red light being absorbed by the methane gas in the planet's upper atmosphere. Neptune being the fourth biggest planet (slightly smaller than Uranus) has been pondered for years. According to The Sky, Neptune and Uranus have identical formation or what they are made of. Neptune also has the Swiftist gale in the Solar System. Occasionally reaching velocities as high as 1,200 miles or (2000 km) per hour. They had also discovered very delicate rings on Voyager 2’s mission. There are four precise rings surrounding Neptune. Neptune’s field is tilted 47 degrees (Comparable to Uranus) from its rotational axis. Scientists suppose this is because of a strong force deep within the

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