Nela The Carbon Atom Analysis

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This is the story of Nella, the carbon atom. In this story you will travel through hundreds of years with her and see the life of a carbon atom. She started in the atmosphere and traveled to a chicken and fox, dead plants, coal and more. I’m going to tell the story of how Nella traveled through these things. Nella has landed on a dead plant in a musty swamp. She starts sinking to the bottom of the mud in the swamp for a long _____ year nap. The weight and heat of the ground has converted her and the dead plants into coal. But it takes about a million years for the dead plants to turn into coal. She was the only thing left in the swamp because the heat from the ground removes nitrogen, hydrogen and the carbon dioxide is the only thing left. She starts sinking to the bottom of the swamp and gets engulfed in the warm mud, settling in for a million year long nap. The weight and heat of the ground has finally converte her and the rest of the dead plants into coal after a million years. She was the only thidng left in the swamp because the heat from the ground removes nitrogen, hydrogen, and the carbon dioxide is the only thing left. Nella was coal after millions of years. She finally got dug up. Some children found her and she was brought to Richmond Middle School to be burned and provide power for the school. She was a fossil fuel and when she was burned she turned into CO2 which then drifted up into the atmosphere. Nella was up in the atmosphere and then she saw a small piece of kale growing on a little farm in Minnesota. She was brought down from the sky and she was part of the sunlight and the piece kale took all the energy. The piece of kale did a whole process to make Nella co2. Nella landed on a piece of kale. She was going through the kales cycle the piece of kale was making glucose. To make the glucose they needed oxygen and bunch of other stuff. The piece of kale made lots co2 and there was lots. So the shot out the rest of the oxygen and Nella went with the the rest of the

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