Negligence Case Summary

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Georgina's legal rights in negligence against Andrew As a plaintiff, Georgina (P) has suffered a legally-recognisable harm, as she broke several of her ribs and suffered from severe internal bleeding. Georgina then need to establish a duty of care owed by Andrew (D) to her. Duty of care In order to establish a duty of care, the question to ask is that is it foreseeable that careless conduct of D will result in an injury against a class of person which P belongs to (Chapman), and that the risk that is not far-fetched or fanciful (Sullivan). Here in this case, D is a lifeguard and P is a swimmer, it is foreseeable that any careless conduct by the lifeguard may result in injury sustained by a swimmer. The careless conduct to be analysed is …show more content…

It would be incongruous for the law to forbid the plaintiff's conduct yet allow recovery in negligence for damages suffered due to an unlawful conduct (Miller). Under section 14G of the Wrongs Act 1958 (Vic), the court must consider whether the plaintiff was engaged in an illegal activity. However, G can argue that her illegality does not prevent the finding of a duty of care owed by A because she did not intentionally enter the water area where corals are present. She was able to do so because A has erected the flags for safe water zone incorrectly. Conclusion - duty of care established On balance, Georgina has a relatively strong case in finding a duty of care owed to her by Andrew. Georgina's specific reliance on the flags and Andrew's control in determining where the flags and swimmers swim point to a duty of care. Additionally, the ability to determine a class of individuals to be owed liability to (swimmers at the specific local of Sandy Beach) points to a duty of care because policy would not likely be an issue. Although Georgina might need to overcome the Andrew's arguments about the coherence of law (Miller) and knowledge, she will most likely succeed in establishing a duty. …show more content…

While the common law cases have no precedential values, they are used as illustrative purposes to argue the alleged breach of Andrew's conduct, in order to allow Georgina's claim against him under the tort of negligence. The probability that a harm would occur if care is not taken is low to medium, as there is a possibility of drowning and injury due to sharp corals and strong undertow, but it is arguably not a common occurrence. Unlike in Dederer, where there has been no previous injury before as a result of diving from the bridge, it is not known by the facts presented here whether past injuries have occurred as a result of swimming in an area of strong

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