Negative Essay: The Dust Bowl Can Changed The World

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Imagine coming home from the beach, there is sand in your hair, in your toes, in your bags, and basically there is sand everywhere, the Dust Bowl was not a simple, fun day at the beach It was a terrible historical event that affected the lives of many people. Did you think dust could ruin a country as much as it did? In three waves, the Dust Bowl came across American and Canadian prairies, ruining agriculture in both countries for about ten years. The Dust Bowl was later called the Dirty Thirties and had been caused by a long drought that lasted for the next devastating 1930’s. The Dust Bowl, like I said before, was a ten year dust storm that had brought tragedy to the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexico(Dust Bowl). Over weeks of time the sky could be dark for days and most homes that were stable still had thick layers of dirt on them. Topsoil was carried by the ton, from barren fields across hundreds of miles from the Southern and …show more content…

Many families started to realize that the drought and dust storms would not end, so most of what they could not take they tried to sell. Okies and Arkies were family refugees that were from the Southern Plains who also migrated to California(Encyclopedia of the Great Plains). The many flights of Okies and other plain migrants was the sympathy of people across the country. The government played a big role in the efforts of fixing the economic and agricultural disasters that had taken place during the Dust Bowl(United States History). For example, Franklin Roosevelt just had only two responses to give the Dust Bowl, the first response was creating agencies and laws, and the second, final one is addressing environmental issues. Roosevelt and the government decided to plant over two hundred and twenty million trees. Which had turned into a seven year project, creating over eighteen thousand windbreaks for

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