Negative Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, the moment a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she is filled with many different emotions, ranging from happiness, to ecstatic to even a little nervous. However, when that woman happens to be a teenage girl, there is a completely different range of emotions. Such as fear, excitement, and filled with many questions. Their life changes before their eyes the moment they see a positive pregnancy test. Statistics show that thousands of teenage girls will get pregnant by the age of 20. The effects of being pregnant at a young age, not only affects the teen mother, the father, but the family as well. In those thousands of teenage girls that get pregnant. Many choose to keep the baby, while others choose either adoption or abortion. The amount of life changing ‘adult’ decisions a teenager has to make in such a short time has many grueling effects on the decisions you make while pregnant. Getting pregnant at a young age puts a lot of emotional and physical stress on not only the teenage girl, but her family as well. The effects that a teenage pregnancy is similar to a roller coaster, you think you have hit the top, but you just …show more content…

(11 facts about Teen Pregnancy, 2016) Although, the rates of teen pregnancy differ from year to year. The most accurate statistics from teenage pregnancies were around 2010 before the rates declined. The birth rate for teens is 68 pregnancies per 1000 teen girls. Every 3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before the age of 20, which is 750,000 teen pregnancies per year. Out of that 68 per 1000 teens, 24 out of 1000 will get an abortion. Which is roughly around 200,000 abortions per year between the ages of 15-19. (Teen Abortion Statistics, 2009) The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancies, even with abortion, keeping the baby and/or

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