Negative Effects Of Helicopter Parents

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There is so much pressure to be successful that parents are putting extreme burdens on their children’s education. Unfortunately, this can lead to anxiety and stress on both parents and children. When does helping a child succeed interfere with their educational and mental well being? Helicopter parenting is becoming more extreme in the past few years, the pressure to be the perfect family is causing undo stress on the student and creating the opposite of perfection, failure.

The Oxford Dictionary defines Helicopter parent as “ a parent who takes an overprotective or excessive interest in the life of their child or children”(Oxford). While helicopter parents argue that their help doesn’t affect their child negatively, studies show that this …show more content…

In addition to helicopter parents, there is another type of overbearing parent that is similar, the Tiger Mom. Although both styles of parenting can be aggressive, this type is not only geared more towards the child doing well but doing it without the parent’s help. Usually these types of parents have an Asian origin and are immigrants to America. These parents expect greatness from their children and because of their culture, failure of the child means the parent has failed. These Chinese parents consider themselves to be superior to American parents, for that reason they stress the importance at winning at everything the child does at any cost. Maureen Callahan interviews Amy Chua, best selling author of “ Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom”, she interestingly argues that “Chinese mothers are better than those of any other race, and these parenting methods are going to result in the West’s biggest fear- the continued rise and ultimately supremacy of China”(Tiger Mom). This type of parenting can lead to a phenomenon called the “imposter syndrome, this term is used to describe highly successful individuals who believe, deep down, they are frauds.”(Tiger Mom). While children of Chinese Immigrants are believed to have impeccable impulse control and are conditioned to do well under high stress situations, the results are the same as with a traditional helicopter parent, neurotic, highly stressed adults who cannot function well in society

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