Nazi's Should Be Tried For Crimes

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Nazi’s: should they still be accused The Holocaust is a event that many will never forget, millions of Jews were killed. Hitler was taking over, he was the highest authority and right under him were the Nazi’s, listening to everything he said. Nazi’s commited many crimes against the Jews, and now the people want to try them in court because of the crimes. Should the Nazi’s be tried for the crimes they did? It happened over 70 years ago meaning that they are probably 90 years old now. Also, if you think about it, the crimes were never illegal at the time since Hitler was in power. Every Nazi should be punished for the crimes, but not every Nazi was taking part in these horrid activities. The Nazi’s shouldn’t be tried for the crimes they …show more content…

If this is the case then the Nazi’s are in their 90’s and they are going to die soon. From a religious point of view, when they die it will be their punishment because God will not let them into heaven. Also, they are so old that they won’t even remember what they did or if they are sentenced to prison then they wouldn’t last long. Instead of taking space up in prisons with people that are going to die soon. You can arrest the people committing crimes now. Not only should they not be accused because they are old, but also the crimes were never illegal at the time. Since Hitler was in power during the Holocaust, these hate crimes were never really illegal. In fact, Hitler was the one ordering people around commit the crimes against the Jews. The Nazi’s were just being told what to do, they were brainwashed by Hitler and his ideas. They should have a say in what happened during that time. On the contrary, Every Nazi should be charged, even if they were scared, brainwashed, or if they followed Hitler’s ideology. The Nazi’s should be given charges for these crimes. Correct? No. As a matter of fact, not every Nazi was taking part in these dreadful activities. You never know if the person was just in charge of taking out the trash, or doing the laundry. It’s not right to accuse someone of something they didn’t

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