Nature Vs Nurture In Child Development

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The nature versus nurture debate is concerned with the extent to which aspects of behaviour and development are a product of either inherited or acquired characteristics and on how each influences that behaviour and development. Research currently suggests that in to understand human development it is important to look at how nature and nurture interconnect and not to stress the differences between the two (Lerner, 2002). Child development theories have focused on discussing how children develop and grow over their early years. The theories discuss aspects of development that include physical social, emotional, cognitive and sensory growth. Piaget (1896) asserts that human behaviour cannot be understood by only taking into account just the …show more content…

A child that doesn’t progress through a stage could remain at that point in development, Freud suggests this can have a negative impact in later years. Most child development theories propose that behaviour continues to change and develop over a lifetime and Freud believed that it was the early childhood experiences that have the greatest impact in shaping development. Although Erikson’s (1902) theory of psychosocial development has similarities with Freud's, it is particularly different in many ways. Instead of using sexual interest as the driver of development, Erikson believed that children’s social interaction and experience was most significate. His eight-stage development theory details the concept of a developmental crisis and that managing the challenges of each stage leads is key to long term …show more content…

Attachments support the child by providing care and protection. Children will try and stay close and connected to their parents or carers; who provide safety and comfort from which to reach out and explore. In contrast young children can suffer from separation anxiety if consistently taken from those with whom they created bonds. Children will happily engage in activities and explore if their attachment figure is close-by, and very quickly become anxious and stop playing/exploring when the person moves away. Other major life events can affect development of children as they grow; a bereavement, parent separation, even moving home or school will likely impact on their emotional

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