Nature Vs Nurture Debate

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One of the oldest arguments throughout the history of Psychology is the Nature versus Nurture debate. One side believes that the majority of an individual’s personality comes from their life experiences and their environment. On the Nurture side, it is believed that an individual’s personality comes from his/her DNA. “In analyzing the nature versus nurture debates in psychological science, we provide the terms in their broadest meaning, whereby nature refers to biological structures and processes and nurture refers to sociocultural influences” (Eagly, 2013). “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” …show more content…

All living organisms, including human beings are the product of a “unique interaction between the genes they carry, the temporal sequence of external environments through which they pass during life and random events” (Bradshaw). Biological influences vary depending on the environments that individuals are at in their life. In the nature versus nurture debate Sociology focuses on the environmental influences, as where Biology has arguments for both sides of the nature vs. nurture debate. Individual’s social life and their religious participation cannot be reduced to with nature or nurture. The debate of whether nature has an impact on personality or whether nurture has an impact on personality will always be around. The research to see which one is dominate in …show more content…

“Forensic Psychiatry is used to explain and try to understand a criminal’s behavior, but it also helps with the interactions between the psychiatric experts and the attorney’s while in a courtroom setting” (Kapoor). In the 1970’s and 80’s psychoanalysis moved out of the analyst’s office and into the courtroom. When the 20th Century came about there were a “number of high profile scandals and serious boundary violations” (Kapoor) that plagued the psychoanalysis world, this of course brought up the value to be

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