Narrative Of Literacy

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A Narration of Literacy
Literacy can be told as a narration. Almost everyone has their own story of how they became literate. It is this journey that lays out the foundation for how one views literacy. Therefore, finding a definition for literacy proves to be quite difficult. Instead, an explanation of literacy is found through cause and effect. People’s personal stories all constitute what we believe literacy is. As a class, we have majorly analyzed the written works of Jimmy Santiago Baca, C.H. Knoblauch, Jean Anyon, and Mary Louise Pratt. Not only were we able to read these excellent pieces, but every single one of us were able to meet and interview our very own peers. It is easy to analyze someone’s story on paper, but it does not feel …show more content…

Jean Anyon’s “Social Classes and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” displays that literacy offers something more than just the ability to read and write; literacy gives the gift of knowledge. It is stated: “Knowledge and skills leading to social power and regard (medical, legal, managerial) are made available to the advantaged social groups but are withheld from the working classes to whom a more ‘practical’ curriculum is offered (manual skills, clerical knowledge)” (Anyon 1). The kids taught in the working class schools are offered the most bare-bones education: C.H. Knoblauch’s functional literacy. These working class schools do not provide their children with knowledge, because they so focused on teaching the kids how to live in the “real world”. The underprivileged youth are set up to function in the working society in replacement of the academic society. Literacy gives power to the literate and detracts power from the illiterate. C.H. Knoblauch argues that powerful, literate people reason that they are deserving of power because they are literate. Knoblauch states, “Literacy therefore, constitutes a means to power, a way to seek political enfranchisement…” (Knoblauch 7). This statement …show more content…

All five of her educational experiences involved leadership and how she fits into a team. While she was in dance and the Health Occupations Students of America, she learned what it means to be a part of a team and how to work together towards a goal. By being a Bengal Pride Leader, dance coach, and a student teacher, Olivia found out that she succeeds in a leadership role where she can teach. She concluded that in her future she hopes to obtain a similar role. Also, because Olivia has had so much practice with working in a team setting, she will do well in college because she knows how to work with her peers. During this year, Olivia has learned about herself. She has had many educational experiences in college already. She first overcame a pattern in her family. Olivia is the first family member to attend a post-secondary school. She has recognized that school is hard through dropping a challenging math class and overcoming her speech anxiety. By rising above these limitations, Olivia has even been able to make conclusions about her future. She is now very motivated to finish college and persevere through hardships and struggles. Olivia knows that she wants to be a teacher through her current job at Kidstop. Specifically, she wants to work with special education because of her SPED 203 class. Olivia has had many key experiences shape her personal journey to become literate. On peer workshop day, Olivia learned how to

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